2008年11月28日 星期五


-------------An Apple A DAY-------------

You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away

Welcome to the cliches
welcome to the part
Where we wanna finish
What we can't start
Come and get me

Just don't miss the water
Until the well is dry
You got to learn walking
After you can fly
Come and get me

What goes in, will get out
What goes up, comes right down
We go up, we go up, we go up

You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Were never taught what we teach
And won't practice what we preach
You know an apple a day
Won't keep my troubles away
Once bitten bye, bye
All the cliches is here to die

Just eat all the people
On your way up
Cause they will eat your heart out
On your way down
Come and get me

Start what you can't finish
Stick to what you can't
Life is here to help us
Get things out of hand
Come and get us

What goes in, will get out
What goes up, comes right down
We go up, we go up, we go up

You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Were never taught what we teach
And won't practice what we preach
You know an apple a day
Won't keep my troubles away
Once bitten bye, bye
All the cliches is here to die

Cause you are what you're eating
Don't stick to what's true
You are what you're eating
Let it come as it came

We are what we are
What's build up will fall
Do what you want and be happy, be happy, be happy

You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Were never taught what we teach
And won't practice what we preach
You know an apple a day
Won't keep my troubles away
Once bitten bye, bye
All the cliches is here to die

'Cause you are what you're eating
Don't stick to what's true
You are what you're eating
Let it come as it came

We are what we are
What's build up will fall
Do what you want and be happy

2008年11月20日 星期四


拉拉雜雜打了一堆,想想一開始只是因為看到Jim's Blog....突然想起,自己許久沒更新的部落格,所以上來打打自己的想法。對Jim,我想,他的未來是美好的,因為他有許多好朋友與無與倫比的家人,我相信他會挺過來的,對於他與她的分開,我是抱持著正面的看法。畢竟,他也該好好睜開眼,看看這個世界了!